The Best Review Management Software to Boost Your Business in 2024

Getting reviews is one of the most important aspects of growing your business—they’re a barometer of how you’re doing and are invaluable as a marketing tool for many reasons. Yet, as a marketing strategist, so many of my clients haven’t baked getting reviews into their process and struggle to follow…

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Around 75% of customers will pay more for a great customer experience. Are you using a feedback form to help you find out exactly what they’re looking for?

One thing that continues to surprise me in the world of digital products and website design is how confident businesses are that they know their target audience. Product and design decisions are made on assumptions or personal preferences, and the results often backfire.

You don’t realize the importance of a good background color until you stumble on a website with a bad one. The right background color is subtle, and seamlessly captures your brand without distracting the user. The wrong background color … well, it’s all the user will notice, probably.

Your business’s health relies on customer satisfaction, and a well-implemented customer service satisfaction survey helps you keep track of that. Understanding customer satisfaction will help you decide where to focus your time and energy to keep customer delight at the highest level possible. It will also help you understand if…

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When I first became a small business owner, the thought of building a website pushed me out of my comfort zone. There are so many plates in the air when you’re trying to get a business off the ground and, while I knew I needed a website, I didn’t think…

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