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Echobot + Leadfeeder = Dealfront

Back in June 2022, we announced that we had merged with Leadfeeder following a €180m investment from Great Hill Partners. Combining Echobot’s leading sales intelligence platform and Leadfeeder’s best-in-class web visitor intelligence solution seemed like the perfect fit to launch a leading go-to-market tool.Ten months later, we’re now a team of 330+ operating across six […]

Sales Blogs

There are many ways to stay informed and up to date. Podcasts, blogs, webinars or the classic way: books. How you get informed depends entirely on your personal preferences and how you can best integrate it into your daily life. Many people love podcasts – so, we compiled the 26 best podcasts for you. Even […]

Aktuelle Marketing-Trends im B2B in 2022

It’s never boring in the world of B2B marketing. Since the beginning of the pandemic at the very latest, lots of marketers have been forced to break the mold and to reflect on alternative methods for lead generation. No more trade fairs or on-site meetings—but what should you do to compensate for the fallout? Over […]

Stressed out man sitting at his desk on a laptop

Right now, Google is processing 99,000 searches every single second. A few moments ago you may have searched for “What is Demand Generation?” and ended up here. A Google search is what we do when we want information about a subject, product, or business.Every Google search produces thousands of results, over hundreds of pages. The […]

Lead qualification guide b2b

It shouldn’t be a shock, but not everybody in your pipeline is ready to buy. Statistics show that 79% of marketing leads will not advance to sales, which means you could be wasting precious time and resources. Hence, identifying and nurturing B2B leads that are a good fit for your B2B company is more important than […]

LinkedIn Ads

Boring, standard advertisement on the internet? An absolute no-go in B2B! Personalization and a precisely selected target audience are extremely important for your online marketing and advertising. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as well as search engines like Google have recognized the importance of advertising, too. Operating in B2B, LinkedIn should be […]

Marketing Automation entlang der Customer Journey für B2B-Unternehmen

Winning new customers still is one of the biggest obstacles for B2B companies. Many rely on a variety of methods for their Inbound Marketing in order to minimize scatter loss and even avoid cold-calling. Mixing many methods, combined with B2B marketing automation, enables a targeted and individual communication with your prospects. Optimally, you pair them […]

B2B Sales

And again, an important employee has quit his job—where can you find another qualified person as quickly as possible? At some point, every company faces the challenge of finding highly-skilled employees. One particular industry even focuses on finding the right people for companies: So-called Recruiting as a Service businesses help companies find the perfect match […]